About myself |
if we talk about it is better..^^Music: slow , romantic, Rap, alternative, pop, etc.. i like music if its beautiful sounds for me not important wht kind^^Books: dont like reading too much! heheSports: Football, Swimming, Tennis(pinpon), and joging and also waling( its a sport also right? :) ) heheInterests: music, movie, foods, electric, internet, facebook, msn, hangout, walk arround of city etc...Movies: One litre of tears (japanese tv film) Wall-E (disney pixar ) The Quest for Camelot (1998 Warner Bross Denny The Dog ( Jett li ) Titanic Animation)BestFeatures: i dont like to say this .. just u say if u think something best of me hehe :PDreams: to see many countries look like Korea, Mongolia, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan All asia^^
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